Tag Archives: road bikes

Ritchey Breakaway 1x Gravel Bike Build

ritchey breakaway 1x gravel bike build

After years of road riding, I finally decided gravel biking just looked too darn fun to pass up. Below, you’ll find the lowdown and step-by-step video walkthroughs for my Ritchey Breakaway 1x gravel bike build!

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2018 Fuji Roubaix 1.1 Road Bike Review

2018 fuji roubaix 1.1 road bike review

I’ve ridden my Ritchey Road Logic build for few months now, and I’m super pleased with it.

Still, I snagged the newest model of the Fuji Roubaix 1.1 for review. Continue reading our full 2018 Fuji Roubaix 1.1 road bike review below!

Continue reading 2018 Fuji Roubaix 1.1 Road Bike Review

Ritchey Road Logic Bike Build


ritchey road logic bike buildI recently sold my trusty Motobecane Le Champion to put together this Ritchey Road Logic bike build.

Today, I’ll blast through mini-reviews for the components. I’ll eventually write separate, longer reviews, then update this post with the links. In the meantime, check out my Ritchey Road Logic bike build! Continue reading Ritchey Road Logic Bike Build

Bryton Rider 310 Review – Budget GPS Bike Computer!

bryton rider 310 review

EDIT: I’ve since tested the Bryton Rider 410 and the Bryton Rider 420! Read those reviews here, and here. Also: Read our review of the new Bryton Rider 750 here!

For cyclists, a bike computer not only tracks your route, but compiles ride data to help you train and improve.

Unfortunately, a basic Garmin costs upwards of a hundred bucks – even more if it performs anything beyond rudimentary tasks. For the budget-conscious layperson, it can be hard to justify that expense for an activity that is supposed to be, you know, free.

A company called Bryton offers much less expensive GPS bike computers than the big-name competition. But are they any good? Check out our Bryton Rider 310 review below!

Continue reading Bryton Rider 310 Review – Budget GPS Bike Computer!